Monday, November 15, 2010

Art Mania Mondays

So i have decided to make a list of things i will try to keep to through out the week i wont be doing all of them since its the end of the semester and i have a lot of homework to catch up on and get done in a short amount of time.
Here's what I have thought up so far
Art Mania Mondays- Anything art, I am crazy about art. any kind of art- music especially,
Tasty Tuesdays- I am a food junkie. I just love food. Sad that my pants don't.
Wordless Wednesday- I love photography so I will be posting up some of my picture this day( some day i will also know how to spell wednesday without hitting spell check to help me out
Thoughtful thursdays- I am a quote person, even though I never memorize a quote I love reading them and incorpurating them in my life. or poems
Freaky Friday- I am one random person. And I part of my random-ness is that I like weird things. On fridays you will slowly find that out
Super Craft Saturday- I got this idea from my church, But On saturdays I will be posting how- to's on some of the things I will be working on at the time.
No post on Sundays- just like mail, you get no blog.

Art Mania Mondays
These are drawings I have been doing in my art class

Also some inspiration music - this song is my all time favorite song ever. I live by this song. plus he is AWSOME!!

coming to terms with my obession

So a few days ago I had found a few job applications in my back-pack from my last attack on the stores in the mall. I decided while waiting for my math class to start I would just fill them out even though I have already done so, these were extras. I put bogus information. The class was about to start and people started to come so I just put them to the side and started on my math lab. I sit alone at my table so no one noticed the applications. As the teacher was walked by to check on peoples progress he looked down and saw my job applications. The first thing he noticed was the Reference section. My first reference was Harry Potter.... Well as you can already guess he thought I might be turning them in.
Heres how the awkward situation pans out
Teacher- You do know that Harry Potter isn't real?(looking down at me)
Me- (long Pause) yes....
Teacher- Then why do you have him down as a reference?( looking at the paper reading the rest of the references)
Me- (voice going higher then usual) I wasn't going to turn it ( other student starting to listen in on the conversation)
Teacher- (looking hard at the paper) How did you get his address? ( already thinking I am crazy)
Me- His owl told me .... (as more students start to turn around)
Teacher-( puts the paper down , Shaking his head) you need some help....

As you can tell I am already the odd-ball. I was hoping to hide it alittle longer though. New school and all.

Friday, November 12, 2010

LA Adventures

So my mom is a fashion designer, ever since I was little I have been surrounded by fabric, sewing machine, to many pins ( I am actually afraid of needles so I stay away from her when she is cutting and pin fabric), and books notebooks and anything else that my mom uses for inspiration.
So when I hear my mom is going to LA to buy fabric I jump up and down and say I want to go. Not really for shopping though. I have this obsession with street food. When I go to Mexico its street tacos and tortas (Mexican sandwiches). When I go to LA its Hot Dogs. I am not a big hot dog fan, but just walking by one of these carts, it just captivates you. You want to stop and ask for one. And I am one of those people that do give into the smell and once you trying one, you will be hooked.

I also go for idea shopping. I have been looking for leather and other things to make wrist cuffs out of. Just one of my many ideas that I try to get done, but still get distracted by the fact that I am not always confident in myself. So I am trying though. I am gaining the confidence.