Here's what I have thought up so far
Art Mania Mondays- Anything art, I am crazy about art. any kind of art- music especially,
Tasty Tuesdays- I am a food junkie. I just love food. Sad that my pants don't.
Wordless Wednesday- I love photography so I will be posting up some of my picture this day( some day i will also know how to spell wednesday without hitting spell check to help me out
Thoughtful thursdays- I am a quote person, even though I never memorize a quote I love reading them and incorpurating them in my life. or poems
Freaky Friday- I am one random person. And I part of my random-ness is that I like weird things. On fridays you will slowly find that out
Super Craft Saturday- I got this idea from my church, But On saturdays I will be posting how- to's on some of the things I will be working on at the time.
No post on Sundays- just like mail, you get no blog.
Art Mania Mondays
These are drawings I have been doing in my art class
Also some inspiration music - this song is my all time favorite song ever. I live by this song. plus he is AWSOME!!